The Chronicle History of Henry V


November 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 (7:30pm)

MadLab Theatre (227 N. 3rd Street)

“Is honor cudgeled from my warlike lines?” – Ancient Pistol

“When cruelty and lenity play for a kingdom, the gentlest gamester is the sooner winner.” – King Henry V

Henry V is a story about two contrasting experiences of war – one that is lived by those that wage it and another that is lived by those who are made to fight it. This is a world that is broken into two parts by a new, inexperienced king, who struggles to knit the world back together through violence and domination. Ultimately, by switching tactics to overcome barriers of language and culture, Henry succeeds in stitching the world back into one piece.

This Henry V is an adaptation of the text that was first printed in 1600 with under the title “The Chronicle History of Henry the fifth, with his battle fought at Agincourt in France. Together with Ancient Pistol.” This version of the play is considerably shorter and slightly different than the “canonical” version featured in the First Folio, most notably in the absence of the Folio’s distinctive Chorus.


November 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 (7:30pm) in MadLab Theatre (227 N. 3rd Street)


Full production:

Cast and Crew


  • King Henry V | Isabella Sanchez, sophomore majoring in Business
  • French King | Antony Shuttleworth , assistant professor of English

  • Exeter | Othman Shuri, freshman majoring in Theatre
  • Dauphin / Bishop / Soldier 1 / Cambridge | Caroline McCoy, freshman majoring in Chemistry
  • Pistol | Lior Livshits, alumnus (’22)
  • Flewellen | Ryan Heitkamp , OSU staff

  • Gower | Nate Macrae, junior majoring in Philosophy
  • Hostess / Kate | Katie Giffin, senior majoring in English and Theatre
  • Nym | Joey Hoffmann, alumnus (’21)
  • Boy / Ambassador | Madison Green, freshman majoring in English
  • Constable of France | Milo Bumgarner, senior majoring in Psychology
  • Bardolph / Le Fer | Jack Dillon, senior majoring in English
  • Duke of Bourbon | Brian Waligura, senior majoring in Theatre and Biology
  • Alice Montjoy | Megan Stewart, nondegree student
  • Duke of Orléans | Amy Pham, freshman majoring in Business and Theatre
  • Bishop 3 / Soldier 3 / Masham | Lindsay Rogers, junior majoring in English
  • Bishop 1 / Governor / Grey | Liz Hardy, senior majoring in English and Speech & Hearing Science


  • Director | Sean Naughton , lecturer, dept of Theatre, Film & Media Arts

  • Stage Manager | Jenny Morrison, alumna (’22)
  • Assistant Stage Manager | Jane Dimel, senior majoring in English
  • Assistant Stage Manager | Garrett Ratliff, senior majoring in Social Work
  • Set / Props / Costume Designer | Ladini Wallace, senior majoring in Theatre
  • Lighting Designer | Yasmine Kashubeck, majoring in Theatre
  • Poster Designer | Jayasree Sunkireddy, senior majoring in English and WGSS
  • Creative Director | Sarah Neville , associate professor, dept of English



A Midsummer Night’s Dream


The Comedy of Errors